Friday, August 31, 2007

Buying Energy Saving Appliances Helps The Environment

"Every time you buy a home appliance, tune up your heating system, or replace a burned-out light bulb, you're making a decision that affects the environment. You are probably already aware that most of our biggest environmental problems are directly associated with energy production and use: urban smog, oil spills, acid rain, and global warming, to mention a few. But you may not realize just how big a difference each of us can make by taking energy use into account in our household purchasing and maintenance decisions.

The cost of using appliances and heating and cooling equipment averages more than $1,200 per year. You can sharply reduce your energy bill by using high-efficiency appliances and space conditioning equipment. While these may be more expensive to buy than comparable models with lower or average efficiency, your reduced energy bills will put that money back into your pocket long before the product wears out.

By purchasing energy-efficient appliances, you can also have a positive effect on national security, the economy, and the environment. The efficient use of oil, gas, and electricity improves U.S. economic competitiveness, and reduces the environmental pollution associated with energy production and use.

In fact, choosing energy-efficient appliances is one way you can immediately reduce your contribution to global climate change. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary gas affecting global warming and virtually all energy-using equipment results in CO2 emissions either directly or indirectly. Since burning oil or gas in your furnace creates CO2 directly, choosing a more efficient furnace will reduce this pollutant right from your home. Furthermore, coal or gas is burned in most power plants to create electricity and this produces emissions. By replacing a 20-year-old refrigerator with a new, energy-efficient model, not only will you save about 800 kWh per year, you will also reduce your home's CO2 contribution by about one ton per year—all while saving about $65 per year through reduced electric bills."

1 comment:

Armand Rousso said...

We should inculcate the buying of green appliances in our children. Every company should invest in green product.

Armand Rousso