Monday, August 13, 2007

Councilman Oliver Thomas Pleads Guilty To Accepting Bribes

Today, Councilman Oliver Thomas pleaded guilty to taking bribes from Stan "Pampy" Barre. During his tearful admission, he apologized to the City of New Orleans for his actions. Boo Hew Hew! Oliver Thomas. It is too bad you are not familiar with the old saying: "He who lay down with dogs, get up with fleas".

You chose to lay down with that number one dog Stan "Pampy" Barre. To you former Mayor Marc Morial; are you on pins and needles right now? Bad boy, bad boy, what are you going to do if the feds come after you? You know that "yellow belly" Stan "Pampy"
Barre is spilling his guts with the hope that he does not spend too many of his golden years in Federal Prison. After all, who is left to make his "Swamp Tasting Gumbo"? Since he is such a lowlife thief, I wouldn't be surprise if one of his main ingredients, in his gumbo, was alligator piss he stole out of the bayou.

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