Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bribery & Fraud - Societies Spreading Cancer

Bribery and fraud seems to be part of a growing cancer that spreads throughout society leaving us vulnerable to the culprits. I have previously concentrated on New Orleans' own cancer spreader, Stan "Pampy" Barre, who we will be soon rid of once he is sentenced to prison. His type of cancer is a prevailing one that keeps the feds on their toes.

Siemens is a German Company who has also come under the feds radar. The Federal Government recently suspended further dealings with Siemens as a result of allegations of accepting bribes from some senior Nigerian government officials for the purpose of winning contracts.

According to Mr. John Odey,Information and Communications Minister, a contract awarded to Siemens for the construction of 14 indoor control panels complete with circuit breaker for power generation has been cancelled as a result of the administrations zero tolerance for corruption. The cancelled contract was worth N128 million.

This sounds very similar to the Johnson Controls Energy savings contract that Stan "Pampy" Barre looted for his own personal gain. We will never understand the psyche of corrupt individuals since they lack morals and values.

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