Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year Usher End In New Laws

The State of Connecticut has passed new legislation that will help its' residents save on energy. Among them are:

1. Expanding a temporary state sales tax exemption for passenger cars that get at least 40 miles per gallon to all passenger trucks, vans and motorcycle with the same fuel efficiency. The exemption runs from Jan. 1 of this year to July 1, 2010.

2. Preparing a plan to encourage the use of biodiesel heating oil blends in state buildings and facilities.

3. Giving Northeast Utilities and United Illuminating Co., until Feb. 1 to submit a plan to build power generation plants that could be used during peak periods of electricity use. Private companies will also be allowed to submit proposals.

4. A new rebate program will be established for residential electric customers who replace their old air conditioners with ones that meet federal Energy Star efficiency standards. The rebates range from $25 to $100 for room air conditioners, depending on the cost, and at least $500 for residents who replace a central air unit.

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