Sunday, January 6, 2008

Presidential Candidate, Barack Obama's, Plans For The Environment

Presidential candidate, Barack Obama, has the best laid out plan concerning preserving our environment: Obama's plan includes:

1. Supporting cap-and-trade programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with 100 percent of permits auctioned; proceeds would go to job training, helping workers and industry adapt to clean technologies.

2. Setting "green job corps" for disadvantaged youths.

3. Investing $150 billion over 10 years in climate-friendly energy supplies, bio-fuels, plug-in hybrids, large-scale renewable energy and "clean coal" technology. Would set aside $50 billion for a clean-technologies venture capital fund.

4. Seeking a reduction in deforestation, a program to capture and store carbon emissions, the doubling of energy research funding and the establishment of a national low-carbon fuel standard. Opposes drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

5. Backing 52 mile per gallon fuel economy standard by 2026. Would offer tax credits and loan guarantees to encourage retooling by domestic automakers. Would set national building efficiency standards and offer grants to states and communities that implement building codes that emphasize energy efficiency.

6. Would propose a global energy forum of the world's top energy consumers.

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